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nordin dk

Gettng Error message

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The message Iget (on startup) is

'count |#|= 0': Error Reserved variable in expression

I take it the error is found somewhere in my timer or score sripts, but I'm not sure where to look.

What could be causing this?

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Are you trying to use "count" as a variable name? That would cause an error, because "count" is a reserved word.

Other causes for errors could be: using "=" instead of "==" as a comparison operator, omitting a variable name in a statement that should be "varName command".

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Here's my score.sqs

_count = 0

_max = 0

_TmpArray = PlayersList

_list = ""


?(count _TmpArray == 0): Goto "End"

?(Score (_TmpArray select _count) >= _max): _cursor = _count

?(Score (_TmpArray select _count) >= _max): _max = Score (_TmpArray select _count)

_count = _count + 1

?(_count < (count _TmpArray)-1): Goto "Start"

_score = Score (_TmpArray select _cursor)

_name = Name (_TmpArray select _cursor)

_list = _list + format["%1 %2\n", _score, _name]

_TmpArray = _TmpArray - [_TmpArray select _cursor]

_count = 0

_max = 0

?(count _TmpArray == 0): Goto "End"

Goto "Start"


_msg = format["Game Over!\nScore:"]

titletext [format["%1\n%2", _msg, _list], "PLAIN"]

And this is my timer.sqs

count = 0



_count = _count + 1

?(_count >= Param1): TimeUp = True

Goto "Start"

These have been taken from the editing center IIRC.

I haven't taken the effort to learn the scripting language, so it takes me forever to try and figure out what is wrong.

Should I change the _count variable to another name, like "mycount" ??

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It's the first line in timer.sqs: "count = 0". I guess it should read "_count = 0"?

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Thank you,

That took care of the error-message. Now I just need to tweak it a little bit.

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