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Idea -:- "UN"

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The UN is a major player when it comes to conflict in the world, and not including it in OFP is a real shame, specially with so many other fantastic units to play with alongside them.


Danish APCs at speed along "Sniper Alley" in Sarajevo


Alot of it would just be a matter of retexturing current add-ons. I know that the DKM UK pack had a few UN vehicles but thats all i've seen upto now.

This isn't a request, its just an idea.


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I'm sure there used to be a full un pack out there, i think i dl'd once.

All I could find now is this stuff:

un addons

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I remember gimble having really excellent UN addons but he stopped and left the community a few years ago.

Did he pass them on to anyone to progress them?

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I only wish those packs were updated atleast, like adding German (BWM) or French (OFrP) troops in UN markings rather than using old BIS models. It would be nice to have a co-op of some sort like that but near every mod is too busy right now. Perhaps sometime in the future someone might get the idea to start a pack of that sort from scratch, or to atleast build up onto a new 3.0 version..

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Great response, thanks.

Never came across those before.

Any white UN choppers around? Or are some included in the UN pack that was linked by CAPAIRMAN and hornet85

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I only wish those packs were updated atleast, like adding German (BWM) or French (OFrP) troops in UN markings rather than using old BIS models. It would be nice to have a co-op of some sort like that but near every mod is too busy right now. Perhaps sometime in the future someone might get the idea to start a pack of that sort from scratch, or to atleast build up onto a new 3.0 version..

Thats exactly what i'm looking for ... updated vehicles with the best add-ons re-skinned.

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... I know that the DKM UK pack had a few UN vehicles but thats all i've seen upto now.

This isn't a request, its just an idea.


icon_rolleyes.gif initial post

The DKM Warrior is definety the best UN add-on out there, but more high quality UN add-ons are not around yet. sad_o.gif

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There's an old UN addons pack and ONS has come canadain UN units in it but I think there needs to be an updated version.

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Great response, thanks.

Never came across those before.

Any white UN choppers around? Or are some included in the UN pack that was linked by CAPAIRMAN and hornet85

Our weapons mod is going to have a UN Mi-8 in they're Mi-8 chopper pack.

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Where can i get that Canadian UN thing? smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]The UN is a major player when it comes to conflict in the world

More like a major joke.

The idea of the UN is one thing, the reality though...


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Quote[/b] ]The UN is a major player when it comes to conflict in the world

More like a major joke.

The idea of the UN is one thing, the reality though...


Yea its a bit of a piss take, but i ain't overly concerned with that (regarding OFP) i just want to add them into missions smile_o.gif

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The UN is good at providing food to starving countries after debating on a plan of action for 2 years then changing their mind half way through. I would never think that the UN has any real military power and that its backbone is other countries' donations. But nothing says shoot me better then a bleach white vehicle cruising across downtown tonal. UN = good props and targets, crappy armed forces. Thats my take.

This link has some nice pictures of gimbal's work... I wonder if its floating arround. (There is your white helocopter too)

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Actually , the pack posted by capairman is the same as all the others, only the latest version.

Other UN addons include the Bell 47 by Martin, the Various other vehicles by pinky, and the DKM UK Pack.

UN Addon pack


Martin's 47

Pinky's site

Also I think there was another UN pack over at OFPEC.


Both the UN packs are pretty old, so they don't have any fancy weapons with them, but that can easily be fixed in the editor with some good weapon addons, and a lot of patience. wink_o.gif

The first UN pack in the list contains UN soldiers from twelve nations, Almost all the BIS vehicles in UN color scheme, and a bunch of more or less useful signs.

Canadian soldiers are included, and they even got their own Diemaco's tounge2.gif

I am aware that most of these have already been posted, I just wanted to sum things up a little...

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