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I'm not sure if its ok to ask this question but I'm in need of some help. I want to DL a MOD but I am stuck between two of them. Now I don't want this to be a big flamming fight, just say what you picked and state why you have picked this MOD. One post per person, I just want to see what is more popular and what the OFP community likes. The choices are E.ECP/ECP or Y2K3

Thank you much everyone! notworthy.gif

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I voted Y2K3 because I have not tried ECP yet. Though I dont think you need a poll just to see which you should download, and in the future dont make polls titled question or poll. Name them Y2K3 vs ECP or somthing relevent to the topic.

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"Mod vs. mod" or "which mod is better" threads rarely end well, usually in flame fests.

I'm closing this thread, but if anyone wants to PM you with advice about these mods, they can do so.

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