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D.murphy man

A Music question + script help

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Hey guys,

First of i have a question, In MP isit possible for each indivisual player to hear different music? As in my latest mission im working on the players will be split up and scatterd over the island for a while through out the mission. And i was going to make a script that changes the music when the player comes undr attack, so if one players gettin attacked, i dont want the other player on the other side of the island to hear the 'attack' music.

Second Question.

Edit:Scrap this question i just solved it my self yay.gif



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so how did you solve it? becuase im looking for exactly the same thing for my  goodnight.gif  pistols.gif  band.gif mission = Scary Mission

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I did it like so:

Quote[/b] ]#start

Hint "1"

_songs = ["DropsofSilence","TheSuicidalClockChime","IntotheDepthsofSelfDis


_rndsong = random (count _songs)

_rndsong = _rndsong - (_rndsong mod 1)

_song = _songs select _rndsong


?_rndsong<=1:goto "Drops"


?_rndsong<=2:goto "Suicidal"


?_rndsong<=3:goto "Depths"


?_rndsong<=4:goto "Bet"


?_rndsong<=5:goto "Dust"


?_rndsong>=5:goto "Dust"

hint "Exit!"



playmusic _song

hint "drop"

0 fademusic 0.5


5 fademusic 0


goto "start"


playmusic _song

hint "suid"

0 fademusic 0.5


5 fademusic 0


goto "start"


playmusic _song

hint "depth"

0 fademusic 0.5


5 fademusic 0


goto "start"


playmusic _song

0 fademusic 0.5

hint "betrayal"


5 fademusic 0


goto "start"


playmusic _song

0 fademusic 0.5

hint "Dust"


5 fademusic 0


goto "start"

I just edited a script i found whiles searching the forums for the same questions im asking now wink_o.gif im sure this isnt the best way to go about it but it works!

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Ok i been here long enough to know bumpings frowned upon so ill add somthing constructiv tounge2.gif

Quote[/b] ]It's possible. At least if the players arent on the same side

I got this answer on weather In MP isit possible for each indivisual player to hear different music.

So.. can any one go a bit more in depth on this? isit true? is there a work around? do i have to do somthing in my script like ?player==man1: goto "playman1smusic" etc...



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