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-=RA=- DarkMan -Pvt-

Chopper Insertion

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Hello everyone,

I'm looking forward to setting up my first MP coop mission - I'd like it to begin with the players getting into a chopper which then leaves and takes them to the insertion point on the map, dumps 'em and flies back to base and lands...

If poss, the chopper ride would be an automatic sequence of events with it being controlled by the program...ie pilot and gunner as AI

As I'm completely new to OF map editing, can anyone give me a hand or any ideas on how to achieve this simple task? Wll, simple to you guys anyway...

Hope to hear from you,


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One other thing though...

The tutorial worked really well, but how can I adapt it to an MP mission - when I export my map and test it the chopper powers up and flies off on it's own if the AI leader is not selected...ie he's giving the orders to load all the cargo soldiers.

What can I do to make it so that if real players were trying the map, the chopper would wait for them all to get in and then fly to the destination and unload...

Also, how do you then make the chopper actually land back at base and not hover over it?

Hope anyone can help

Best wishes


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Make a waypoint just in front of the helicopter at the start which is a "Load" waypoint... it should wait for your team to board.

if not, add in the initialization field:

this land "Land"

it will then wait on the ground until the team loaded. At least this always has worked for me when I have been mucking around in the editor.

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