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Unassign and then Assign problems

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Howdy all,

Heres my problem in a nutshell.

I have some units being deployed to an area in empty vehicles that have drivers and guys in the cargo positions. Since we can't use transport unload waypoint on an individual i am having everyone eject from the vehicle and then i use the unassign command to unassign them from said vehicle.


I want to be able to have everyone go back into the vehciles they got out of and move to a different area. I am trying to use the assignascargo and then moveincargo commands before making them drive off to the marker they need to redeploy at.

What happens is everyone gets put back in the vehicle and then the driver says to disembark and i get booted. The drivers then proceed on foot to the marker.

I didnt want to use a manned vehicle (which would make the transport unload waypoint work and therefore have no need to eject and unassignvehicle) as the driver will just end up sitting in his vehicle listening to the radio or drinking a coke or whatever it is that drivers do when we don't watch them.

Any ideas? thanks in advance.

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I can solve this for you, but...

3 Questions:

1) Is this SP only?

2) Will the player always be in the group - and if so is he/she always the leader?

3)Is there more than one group boarding the same vehicle?

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1. Its for MP

2. Each player is seperate

3. No

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