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Cleanrocks crCTI InitUnitTypes.sqs Question

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In the latest crCTI ver .7 there are a few lines in the InitUnitTypes.sqs that pertain to the AI Co units to build.

Here are the lines:

; AI CO units to build

infantryWest = [ [utSoldierMGWest, 1], [utSniperWest, 0.5], [utSoldierLATWest, 1], [utSoldierATWest, 0.2], [utSoldierAAWest, 0.2], [utSaboteurWest, 0.2] ]

armorWest = [ [utM113, 0.1], [utM2A2, 0.5], [utM60, 0.2], [utM1A1, 1], [utVulcan, 0.5] ]

infantryEast = [ [utSoldierMGEast, 1], [utSniperEast, 0.5], [utSoldierLATEast, 1], [utSoldierATEast, 0.2], [utSoldierAAEast, 0.2], [utSaboteurEast, 0.2] ]

armorEast = [ [utBMP, 0.5], [utBMP2, 0.5], [utT72, 0.5], [utT80, 1], [utShilka, 0.5] ]

I am editing a ver to use WWII units. However I am not sure how the # that comes after the utUnit, is used to increase or decrease the chance of the unit being purchased by the Ai Commander.

So if I put in my WWII ver. [utSherman, 0.1] would that be more or less likely than [utFirefly, 0.9] ? I would want Ai Commander to purchase more Shermans, since they were more common on the battlefield.

I will appreciate any help.

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So then the higher the #, the more often it will be purchased by the Ai Commander?

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Thanks, now it will be easier to balance out which units get built more than others.

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