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Missions - Red Hammer

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Ok, I just bought Red Hammer today and installed it on top of a newly reinstalled Cold War Crisis (I also installed the v1.40 update as well, on top of v1.30)

Anyways, I start up OpFlash hoping to play the new Soviet missions...there not there. I go to the Campaign menu and there's no Soviet Campaign, whats going on? Do you have to beat the regualr Campaign and Mission from Cold War Crisis to open the Soviet ones?!?

I've tried scrolling w/ the arrows the the FAQ says and it doesn't work. I even went into the Campaign directory and took out the 1985 Campaign so I COULD play the Soviet one, but I don't want to do that evey time I want to play it.

So my main question is, do you have to beat the regular campaign/misions to open up the Soviet ones?

And if thats so, thats stupid. I payed $15 for an update and I should be able to just start playing w/o neeing to complete so and so just to get what I payed for.

Thanks for any help/sugesstions.


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To the top of the campaign page there is an arrow pointing to the right -> NOT the one pointing down. That is where Red Hammer will show up if you click it. If that doesn't work all you have to do is create a new profile.

BTW- just in case you thought there were Missions i.e. single player missions not related to the campaign- I'm sorry , but there just aren't any (bummer sad.gif ).

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Now I feel stupid, how didn't I see that... And your right, I did think there was a new campaign + 20 new single player missions, oh well.

Anyways, got one more question and I should be fine - Why do my trees (and some bushes) have black around them? Its like the original models of the trees (being there really only two 2D squares) have lost there transparencys. I see the tree and all, but then around it is black, at that reall screws the game since it really limits your visibility.

If someone would tell me how, I'd take a screen shot and post a link of the picture for further...analysis.

Anyways, here's my system spec:

AMD 1GHz T-Bird

Asus A7V 133

512MB 133 Ram

Guileumeit (sp) Kyro 2

WinXP Pro

I've alAnyways, thanks again for any help.so installed and uninstalled a lot of art programs lately, such as Adobe Photoshop 6 etc and Jasc Paint Shop Pro 5 and 7 which could of possibly(?) screwed with the images of the tree/bush files....? It doesn't happen to tank or peolpe, probably because there 3D models...


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