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adrenaline red

Nuclear Missile Submarines

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I have always wanted to use a missile submarine in ofp, and it occured to me that we already have the part to make one.

I am no addon maker or scripter but I thought that if we have UAV's, CoC tomahawks, and working submarines someone should be able to put one together to make a working balistic missile submarine.

I guess the gunner could control a UAV or something which we could use as a satelite so we can watch our targets from miles away, then arm them with tomahawks or add a scud missile script or something that would make the missiles surface above the submarine you are in to simulate a launch.

Is it possible?? Anyone interested? I know OFP is lacking naval units but I thought I would share my idea and see if there is any takers. crazy_o.gif

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if i get what you mean, you want to attack bases or units on land or in the air with it.

cause for a water fight we have the coc torpedos

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It would be very possible, in fact all you have to do (I think) is use a setpos loop on one of the CoC_Tomahawk launch unit to place it over the sub.

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I dont think subs can target aircraft, but I do know they can launch anti ship, ICBMS, cruise missiles etc.

So yeah what I am proposing is a "boomer" sub that can target things inland like real life.

What about the UAV thing?? Allot of islands are pretty big so chances are you wont be able to see a target that is miles away from the coast of some island.

Thats why I think a UAV or satalite feature should be made. So you can pick out targets inland from miles offshore and watch your missiles hit their targets.

Is that aspect possible? I would think you would just have to somehow implement the UAV control center into the sub, and have a stationary UAV high over the battlefield that can zoom in like a satalite anywhere on the map.

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I am pretty sure that subs don't use UAVs, and can't. Besides they don't choose their own targets with missiles, usualy a spotter is used to aquire the target and relay the information to the sub. Besides, where is the fun in watching the explosion from a UAV? I would rather be on foot and watch it myself tounge_o.gif

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I know that subs use satelite imagery to target things and avoid detection. What I meant was that implementing a stationary or stable UAV could simulate a satelite.

Personally I think that the limited 3rd and 1st person views arent that great and it would be nice to be in the sub and looking at things via satelite.

Sure blowing things up close is fun but wouldnt it be cool to have a working ballistic missile sub?? rock.gif

Any takers?

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With the zoom it would be even closer. I am talking about huge zooming capabilities, so yeah your gonna be in a sub but with the satelite view its gonna be like you are right there.

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With the zoom it would be even closer. I am talking about huge zooming capabilities, so yeah your gonna be in a sub but with the satelite view its gonna be like you are right there.

Yea I got no problem with UAVs or satelites, but I mean not from the sub, it would be cool to have the a sub with animations and everything for firing the missile however. But I think it should stick the the CoC way, as not to complicate things too much.

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Yeah I guess the whole UAV thing would be a bit much.

That looks great! I was thinking about having them launch missiles while submerged but that looks good too.

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Yes, hornet just did what I suggested, setpos a CoC Launch platform over the sub, that way it would work either submerged or surfaced tounge_o.gif

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How do you do that?

Like I just said, a setpos loop:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_sub = _this select 0

_launch = _this select 1


?! (alive _sub) : deletevehicle _launch; exit

_launch setpos (getpos _sub)


goto "loop"

Yea, just make a script like that and call it like this:

[sub,launcher] exec "magicsub.sqs"

or something like that, where sub, is the sub, and launcher, the CoC launcher, and magicsub.sqs is your script that should look like the one I just wrote. Try it out.

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Well basicly all you gotta do is go into notepad and paste what I wrote, then go to Save As, select all files, and save it as "nukesub.sqs", or your own name followed by a .sqs and then place it in your mission and call it using [nameofsub,nameoflauncher] exec "nukesub.sqs". I allready gave you the script biggrin_o.gif

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