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This forum suck

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Well, not quite, but almost.

Dear mods, it looks like people can´t even come up with their personal opinions or a joke without being cut off immediately, especially if it is about animals in OFP. Killing thousands of artifical people, even civilians, is not a problem, but animals.. God no, that would make us all burn in Hell.

As soon as someone mention using animals in OFP, at least one of you jump the trigger and close the thread, even seriuos threads.

Just because one of you love animals over human beings, it doesn´t give you any God given right to just close threads because you think "Hmm that person will most likely shoot at least one animal if they were to be included in OFP".

Edit: I will never mention the word "animals" again on this forum. And I am sorry about the thread title, it was a bit harsh. The rest, I do not regret.


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I'm fed up of baby sitting children like you on this forum. Consider this my last thread..laters

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Babysitting.. well thanks, ArmourDave, but I think you completely missed my point. You should know I usually don´t post tons of crap.


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hidden @ Jan. 13 2002,15:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Well, not quite, but almost.

Dear mods, it looks like people can´t even come up with their personal opinions or a joke without being cut off immediately, especially if it is about animals in OFP. Killing thousands of artifical people, even civilians, is not a problem, but animals.. God no, that would make us all burn in Hell.

As soon as someone mention using animals in OFP, at least one of you jump the trigger and close the thread, even seriuos threads.

Just because one of you love animals over human beings, it doesn´t give you any God given right to just close threads because you think "Hmm that person will most likely shoot at least one animal if they were to be included in OFP".

So I had to blow a fuse.. seing all those "this thread is closed" messages really pizzes me off. People playing the most realistic war game ever, can´t even think of seing animals being shot in OFP. Most of us did not want animals for hunting fun anyway, did you ever think of that?

Hidden<span id='postcolor'>

You don't get it, do you?? OPF is a military simulation! People play it because they want to experience guns, tanks and the general being at war feeling without the horrors of having to join the army!! They are playing this game BECAUSE they won't see any of this mad violence rampaging crap.!!

I do not see why people should have the opportunity to discuss cruelty to animals, or people or even enemy soldiers! It is sickening! If you want to do this in your games, please do if you have issues, but do not talk about it here!

People keep complaining that there is so much shit on the internet and that their children get corrupted by it. Guess what, one of these reasons are your stupid discussions about manslaughter, murder and torture! You think it is fun, and you think it is fun talking about it, but have you ever witnessed it in real life? Do not forget, this is a thread, you are basically communicating to other people here! Imagine you are in a train, and you start talking with your mate about all this shit! It is the same thing!

Get it into your head! mad.gifmad.gifmad.gifmad.gif

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