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Ecp installer says cant find flashpointbeta.exe

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Like the title, it cant find that .exe, and neither can i, also what is the ecp dynamic range config?? and i do have v1.96

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Stop creating new threads like crazy! crazy_o.gif

Find a proper ECP thread maybe it'll contain the answer to your question, if not ask there!

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Ecp questions should be asked in the ECP thread (which currently resides in Addons & Mods discussion, and if you look in there a few pages from the end the same question was asked and answered.

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Jobo this is your posting history......


I appreciate you're new, and perhaps you're young or English isn't your first language but as you're repeatedly ignoring moderator's and other member's advice I'm temporarily removing your posting rights so you can take a breath and realise where you're going wrong, PM me tomorrow and we'll have a chat smile_o.gif


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