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OFPN revised

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As you may have or may not have noticed we've changed OFPN quite a bit. Indeed, it's nothing visual, but we did a complete work-over of the underlying HTML code so the site should be much faster now. We also added the use of CSS stylesheets, but since these aren't fully supported yet please report any problems to us. Next to that we've received a lot of link exchange e-mails from you guys which we will all process very soon.

Another thing is that Brent will from now on maintain the entire editing section with his team from ofpediting.net. This means it will be updated and expanded over the coming weeks. Welcome to the OFPN team guys!

We hope you enjoy your visits to OFPN and if you have any problems please contact us.

Note: as you may have seen we now have our first hosted web-site, the Wintermarch mod. If any of you have a good, OFP-related web-site which you would like to have hosted just like Wintermarch, please let us know: [email protected], [email protected]!

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Hey D'n'A or Sith i think you should specify what sites you want/would like to host... perhaps give them some details or something, well i dont know, just a thought smile.gif .

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Well, just about any good quality OFP-related web-site. If someone contacts us for hosting, we will first talk to them a bit to see what they want and what they already have ... and then we decide smile.gif

Oh one thing though ... squad sites will probably not be hosted right now ... maybe in the future, so thanks for bringing up this point Brent wink.gif

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