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computer trouble

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Recently IL2FB had trouble starting up and caused my PC to lock up or to reboot after about 5 minutes of play. I had played with 3.03m for longer periods so it worked before hand. I tried the following to remedy this:

1. Removed the 3.04 Public beta DLL's, Didn't help.

2. Uninstalled recently installed Java Virtual Machine, I had heard this could cause trouble.

Now at this point it started up like it should but it kept locking up or rebooting my pc after about 5 minutes of play.

3. Reinstalled 3.03 over the old install, ran setup, Didn't help.

4. Uninstalled IL2FB+AEP+BoE+PF using the uninstall link in the start menu

5. Reinstalled in the following order:

   - IL-2FB

   - AEP

   - BoE

   - BoE - Royal Airforce patch

   - Pacific Fighters

   - Pacific Fighters 3.00 to 3.03 Patch

  Didn't help.

6. Next idea; Windows updates installing something that didn't play well with IL2FB. According to windows it hadn't installed any updates over the last 14 days, Didn't help..

7. A week before this started to happen I had removed a HDD that was starting to make a lot of noise and was becoming slower and slower. Fearing it might die catastrophically I removed it from my PC. Now my hunch was that it might be that the PC used to have the cache on that drive and that this was messing up IL2FB. Checked the settings, let the system determine the size of the cache file, it was allready on the right HDD. Didn't help. Tried again with a minimum cache size of 1000MB and a maximum of 3000 MB. Didn't help.

8. Virus or spyware infection, updated Virus scanner, scanned .... Updated Adaware SE, scanned, Didn't help.

9. Updated videocard drivers, Didn't help.

10. Set sound accelleration to standard in DXDiag, Didn't help.

11. Unplugged Webcamera, Didn't help.

12. Uninstalled Nvidia Drivers, reinstalled v66.93, Didn't help.

ok that wasnt it either, had landed on the carrier succesfully, switch to the F2 view and swing it around to see how much deck I had left ... BAM pc reboots.

13. Installed Motherboard monitor, temperature on one sensor was reading 78 degrees celsius. clean dust from between CPU heatsink and fan. Temperatures now stable at 48 degrees celsius while playing IL2FB, Didn't help.

14. Installed Memtest86, let it make 4 passes ... it found 0 errors.

When the machine had rebooted I got a prompt saying windows had recovered from a serious flaw and asking if I wanted to send a report, this was what it was going to send to Microsoft

BCCode : 1000007f BCP1 : 00000008 BCP2 : F880FD70 BCP3 : 00000000

BCP4 : 00000000 OSVer : 5_1_2600 SP : 2_0 Product : 256_1

15. Installed Spybot Search and Destroy, scanned and removed everything found, Didn't help.

16. Updated Intel Chipset Software to V5.02.1003, Didn't help.

17. Disconnected USB hub and connected joystick straight to PC, Didn't help.

18. Uninstalled old drivers and installed older version, didnt work.

After two days of tweaking testing and retweaking I am at the end of my wits. I've read sites that say this is caused by unmatched or overheating RAM chips. Well I've been using these specific two chips now for a year now, havent changed anything RAM wise recently and I doubt they automagically become unmatched and I have no idea why suddenly it should start over heating. Any of you guys have an idea?

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You didn't say if other 3d accelerated games cause the problem after periods of gameplay.

Or whether you play other 3d games to know

Just by looking at your list and see that you have tried quite a bit.

From switching video drivers and seeing differences:

I would try these things...

1. Dust in Video card fan/heatsink (you didn't say whether you cleaned that)

2. Lower AGP Aperature

sounds like you have played with the ram some too so maybe:

3.reseat your ram

4.in BIOS disable "System Acceleration" if you have it,also "Spread Spectrum" works beter disabled.I've seen problems in programs with this enabled

Asides the normal disable virus programs,cheack for yellow exclamations in system device properties

Prolly saying stuff you already did,sounds like you know computers pretty good with what you have done

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Heh, recently I started having some similar problems, though not just in IL-2FB - OFP, Lo-Mac, you name it. Anything and everything would crash. I undid all my overclocking, and it helped a bit, but didn't fix the problem fully. I even had a lot of grief with schoolwork (Had to recompile the Linux source code for a class and all of a sudden I'm getting errors that have nothing to do with the code I modified...bang my head against it for days, and eventually try reinstalling Linux altogether, and recompiling the source code with no modifications....and still got those errors....)

So in the end I just figured my old PIII was telling me it was ready to kick the bucket after being run overclocked for close to three years, bit the bullet, and got myself a new mobo and CPU.

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I've been having the same problems for a while. OFP is the only thing that runs satisfactorily anymore. Half Life 2 locks up, Dawn of War locks up or hard reboots my PC (although a bit of dusting made it more tolerable), all sorts of crap like that. Using it as an excuse to send this PC to the knacker's yard as soon as I have the cash to buy a new one.

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