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Lethal smoke grenade?

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I want to create a gas bomb. Is there already a smoke grenade that can have a damaging effect on units? If not, is there a way to modify the smoke greande to do so and where would that file be located?

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I think it would have to be done through mission scripting - as far as I am aware, there isn't any existing "poison gas" addons. I assume one could be made, and function similarly to the FDF molotov in terms of area damage...anyway, if anyone has any better suggestions, feel free to post 'em. wink_o.gif

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The problem would be that nearly every newer units have gasmask bags, but only for eye candy. A working gasmask,that can be addet to every soldier like a weapon, is needed too. And how can we make sure, the AI respont to the gas bomb by putting on theire gas mask`s? If this don`t work, gas bombs will never be used by me. rock.gif

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There was an addon released a few days ago called "fml_nbcunits" which has the ability to put on a gas mask just like you would put on binos. I would use this addon in accordance with the gas bomb. The gas dosen't have to be visible in all cases. The lethal gas would be associated with an area trigger. The trigger would be the area contaminated and there could be a script checking to see if the players have this peice of equipment on or off when they enter the area. I just don't know how to check if the mask is on or not and my scripting skills are not all that.

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