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Run on only 1 computer...

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hey laddys ad gens,

ok what i'm after is to be able to run a script ONLY on 1 clients computer... here the code i want it to run.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

?side player == west: goto "loopW"

?side player == east: goto "loopE"

goto "error"



"playermarker1" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer1

"playermarker1" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker2" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer2

"playermarker2" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker3" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer3

"playermarker3" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker4" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer4

"playermarker4" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker5" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer5

"playermarker5" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker6" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer6

"playermarker6" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker7" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer7

"playermarker7" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker8" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer8

"playermarker8" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker9" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer9

"playermarker9" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

"playermarker10" setMarkerPos getpos WPlayer10

"playermarker10" setMarkerColor "ColorBlue"

goto "loopW"



"playermarker1" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer1

"playermarker1" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker2" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer2

"playermarker2" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker3" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer3

"playermarker3" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker4" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer4

"playermarker4" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker5" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer5

"playermarker5" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker6" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer6

"playermarker6" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker7" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer7

"playermarker7" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker8" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer8

"playermarker8" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker9" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer9

"playermarker9" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

"playermarker10" setMarkerPos getpos EPlayer10

"playermarker10" setMarkerColor "ColorRed"

goto "loopE"



hint "Error: Could not detect your team"

"playermarker1" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker2" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker3" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker4" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker5" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker6" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker7" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker8" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker9" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]

"playermarker10" setMarkerPos [0,0,0]


now that always works on the server/host side but not on any of the clients...  i want it to basicly move the markers but only on the clients computer and not eveyones... I am exec the script buy the units init line. This script is for 1.46.

thanks in any help

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What i can see is that you can see the positions of all your players om the map, no? rock.gif

If only you have acces to that i am tempted to see that as develloping a cheat... But i'm prolly wrong...

What is the script for? rock.giftounge_o.gif


Quote[/b] ]

?side player == west: goto "loopW"

?side player == east: goto "loopE"

easy to turn around... I suggest that everybody who wants to give the answer gives it via PM...

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the script is to diplay only were you team mates are

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">?side player == west: goto "loopW"

?side player == east: goto "loopE"

is to detect what team the player is on so that it knows what soldiers to move the markers to. (this way they dont see were the e is)

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