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SaveVar and SaveStatus

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Im working on a campaign. I want multiple groups status to be passed on from mission to mission. For example 6 people in a 12 man squad die, the 6 remaining will be the only ones passed on to the next mission. Right now im trying to use the setup that the Res Campaing used. However its not working. And yes i do have the campaign made and it is in the campaign folder.

Also i want to save the players health and his current weapon load out. For example, the player is a grunt with a rifle, he finds a dead officer and nabs his pistol, i want the player to have that pistol along with his other goodies in the next mission. Now that i got that down it time to get technical.

Heres what im using in the exit.sqs in the mission folders.

; ------- Union Group 3 (players group) ---------

_i = count units group UNL3;

_j = 0;

_k = 0;

_Mis = "01";

_Out = [uNL3, player];


? _j >= _i : goto "Next"

? ((units group UNL1) select _j) in _Out : goto "SKIP"

? alive ((units group UNL1) select _j) : xx = ((units group UNL1) select _j) saveStatus _Mis + (format ["Sold%1", _k]); _k = _k+1;


_j = _j + 1;

goto "LOOP"


UGRP3 = _k; saveVar "UGRP3";

;---------------- end ----------------------

Now i only know what some of that junk means. UNL3 is the squad leader and i want his group to be passed on. But none of this great stuff is working. The only thing i put in UNL3's init is group name (UN3 = group this). Is there anything else i need to type in the stuff above or add to the squad leaders init?

And now for the player. In the exit.sqs i have this

; Saving player's status

aa = Player saveStatus "01Player";

Player is the name of the players soldier in the mission editor. I put in the players init the variable (aa = player). This also didnt work.

I would appreciate help on this issue greatly. Ive searched this forum already, but the people that knew what they were doing didnt explain it well enough or atleast well enough for me.

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