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Delayed BAS Spawn Manager

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Correction: Dr Strange Love's Spawn Manager

SITUATION: I started off wanting to make a template for players to use that knew nothing about scripting, so all they would have to do is move markers and triggers around and infantry or vehicles where they wanted. I know a lot of people out there have great ideas but just don't have the time to learn the editor. But now I have come to a speed bump.

    With the normal "Dr Strangelove" Spawn Manager you have them spawn from an object, and they spawn just fine in SP/MP games. But what I did was I took it one step further, I hooked it into a template where at each objective the East Soldier, walks about 5 feet on a syncrinizing from the objective and spawns the men from that end waypoint. By doing this it lets me put enormous amounts of men on the map. This is also combined with "Doolittle’s Spawn on Demand" Script for Vehicles, unfortunately the AI that spawn don't react to the player like the BAS men that spawn do, that is why I'm using both.

THE PROBLEM: When I link the spawn to the waypoints, it works fine in the editor but when I put them in a MP game instead of spawning 12 guys at each of the 3 East Soldiers; it spawns about 14 guys at the 3 guys. I have tried putting delays, etc... But still between 12 and 14 guys appear each time, not 36 infantry.

    Any help with this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. If you have time and would like me to post an example you can look at let me know. I had a buddy look at it already but he could not figure it out either.

- Hit Sqd Ack -

- Fraghaus Admin -


-Move (Paused for Objective 1)

-Objective 1 Complete

-Esoldier exec his waypoint

-Moves 10 meters away, stops and exec Dr Strangelove's spawnman.sqs

-Spawns Men

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Okay well I found a solution to this. I call the script from what is listed below.

West Detected By East

- Run's Spawn script at object already placed on the map (object 118172) for example.

- Men Spawn

Works perfect

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Oh, I was just going to make it for fun, I wasn't really planning on releasing it, but if you would like it that's cool. I really just wanted a way for people who don't have the time to learn scripting to be able to make really indepth missions very easily, with little or no lag. As of right now you can have like 1000 infantry on the map and have no lag at all. I really didn't do anything special, it's the people who wrote the scripts, thank them, I just took the time to combine everything. I'll make a read me file and post it up for people to enjoy some time this weekend.

- Ack

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Give me until this weekend and I'll have it all setup for everyone. I'm trying to put together a read me so people (newbs mainly) could easily understand what is needed to do. I had no idea any body wanted anything like this or I would have shared it a long time ago, I only recently found a solution to the spawn men any where, any time, any place, as much as I want.

- Ack

So far it has:

-Revive Respawn Script

-Crew Members can repair Vehicles that you choose

-Officer's can call in Ammo Drops (I'll add a Air Strike also for him)

-Marker Tracking for everyone in your Team

-12 Objectives (Changes flag from USSR to American / or Iranian to US Flag for Rebel version)

-Uses Doolittles Spawn Script (You can bypass the maximum number of squads OFP allows with this, I'll show you how I did it in the template.)

-Uses Dr. Strangelove's Spawn Script (but from objects on the map)

-Random Time Pass Script

-Random Weather Script

-Tank, Helo Shock Dust Scripts

-Men in towers already elevated

-Group of 12 that you can reproduce already set for sniping or ambushing set to do not move, set position "up"

P.S. - Any ideas what I should call this?

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cant wait to test .. ill be in need of an easy to use spawn manager soon.

will changing normal units to addons be possible from the mission editor or do i have to edit scripts ?

P.S. - Any ideas what I should call this?

the SpawM(anager) ?  biggrin_o.gif

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