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Version non valide ???

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First sorry for my english speaking.

I'have the goty edition and often play on server under the name Mr Fernand.

I can't connect some servers like DGF. They say "version non valide". Why ?

I've the 1.96 version.


Modified anim (o.pbo and anim in dta) and worlds !

Remove the addons change nothing.


Merci d'avance

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Maybe the server uses an older version of ofp or directplay netcode instead of sockets?!?

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i always check the version of the server. It"s always written 1.96 like me.


And i found the servers with the gamespy ofp module in the multiplayer choice.

I don"t understand.

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Some servers don't allow the use of mod folders, make sure you've removed any mod folder commands from your ofp shortcut before attempting to join them.

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yes they do this even if you have the same version

the Server is running EqualMods (1) in it's config line

so the server you are conecting to is


you have


as a side note stay away from CTI servers with ECP it will not be allowed

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