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Check Move MPmission--better than C&H!

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11-11MTFgrp Check Move

supports: 22 players

respawn: group

Advantages over C&H:


-action concentrated

-defence just as essential as attack

-armour and air

-infantry have a role

-no tedious lengthy walking

-strategy, strategy!


-mission adjusts to suit number of players

Disadvantage over C&H:

-group respawn (my choice, I could have made it base respawn)

-no cooperative mode

Other interesting features:

-grid locations, not exact locations shown on map

-action moves over half of Malden

-well-placed skilled soldier can disrupt an advance

-alternative ways of advancing (default is straight towards enemy HQ)

You can find my map on my site here:

Check Move

Edited by Coins

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I should also mention:

-no addons required

-compatible with 1.96

-briefing and radio commands in English

So what are people's impressions so far?

Did I mention this map includes heavy tanks, APCs, choppers, support trucks, special forces, AT infantry, and just plain old regular infantry?

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Hi coins, I will stick it on our server soon and give it a whirl. Sounds interesting smile_o.gif

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-no tedious lengthy walking


-action moves over half of Malden

may I enquire whether stretches of baren empty land and unlived spaces have indeed been eradicated?

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Heh, well there still are unlived spaces and barren land, at least to begin with!

You'll find it suits everybody to be moving together, tanks and infantry especially.

For infantry, you'll know roughly where the front is and can truck it at least part of the way. If you want to play it safe, you can truck and let your AI walk the route.

I think the main worry for many reading this is they may think infantry will be huffing and puffing running through open countryside. This is not the case, unless you somehow got yourself stranded on the far side of Malden!


Thanks to Shrike and Zeus server for hosting my map. Apparently the mission is not exactly the same in multiplayer. The flag and marker shake around a lot, I think because their locations are updated constantly and therefore tasking? I guess then the mission is probably not worth keeping on the server. I would try to fix the problem, not quite sure right now what approach to take. I could have the flag's location update only every 5 secs and marker to update only every 15 secs...

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