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4 legged freaks

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O2 newbie here. I've just used ODLOD explorer to extract and edit the Angelina P3D from the O.PBO and as you can see I'm having the same ghosting (being able to walk through stuff... basically they're non-solid T1000s) models as other people are. However searching the topics, none of the solutions (such as adding mass to components to the GEO lod don't seem to work) Does anybody have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Your help is always appreciated. 02 page below.


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hmm check if the lods dont swap with the 1. lod model

the geo lods shall liek include all components of the 1. lod

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hmm check if the lods dont swap with the 1. lod model

the geo lods shall liek include all components of the 1. lod

Hi nephilim

What do you mean by the lods not swapping in the 1. lod model?

Should the geolod also have the 1.000 lod models included?

Your further explanation would be much appreciated biggrin_o.gif

If anyone else has any idea, please let me know.

Kind Regards,


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