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Turret movement

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Hey guys,

I have a question. I have two models of addons. The first one is PT-91 tank, the second one is AA 12,7 MG which is mounted on the tank. My idea is to make a possibility for the commander of the tank to mount the 12,7MG while siting in tank. I made so that you can do it easily but the gun turns with tanks base, not tanks turret. is there any possibility to make the mg turn with tank turret?



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No, engine limit. RHS has done it someway (=scripting), but the clitch is that commander can't control the tank while commander is fireing with the MG. So I think the way they have done it is so that commander moves to be gunner of MG which is placed on top of the tank. wink_o.gif

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I'm not sure if you mean as two different vehicles setpos'ed together or just getting parts of your object to turn with the turret? So to cover my bases I'll do both smile_o.gif

Brsseb O2 tutorials:


Here's some basic example addons, using one way to get the turret direction\pitch & bank and stuff:


And a tutorial for turret mounted smoke grenades, using game logics:


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