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quick trigger questions

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When you set up a trigger (in my case to spawn enemy units) it can be set to once or repeatedly. Is there a way to make a trigger get activated.. say 5 times?

Also, if the trigger is set to repeatedly, and is activated by west present, if west stays in the circle, will the trigger activate more than once, or will it only activate a second time when west leaves and come back (which is what I desire). My testing seems to reveal the latter although I it did seem that the enemies respawned once w/o me leaving the trigger area.

Any thoughts?

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you can get Spawnmanager which can be obtained at OFPEC smile_o.gif u can limit spawns on it ;)

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First, make a global variable in your init.sqs or wherever:

TriggerCount = 5

Then, in your condition of your trigger, make it look like this:

this && (TriggerCount > 0)

Last, in the activation field of your trigger, put:

TriggerCount = TriggerCount - 1

In addition to whatever you already have.

As for the second question, I'm not entirely sure. I think it will wait until the trigger is de-activated first, but I'm not entirely sure....

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