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group exit from chopper without odering them.

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How do I get my group to exit the chopper without ordering them to exit.

I have used the:

"cmd="GETOUT"; "_x action [cmd,CHOPPER]" foreach units TEAM"

in a trigger, with a delay but the chopper might not have landed before they exit (to their deaths) or it has landed and they sit there for 10 seconds!

Could I have the above, but activated when I exited the chopper?

thanks in advance.

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Now, name your chopper "chopper" and give it a Wp to wherever you want it to land, make it a "move" waypoint, then inside the "on activation" part of it, put

[Chopper] exec "Getout.sqs"

now make another waypoint where you want it to fly after they all exited, it wont go there till everyone is out on the ground, so dont worry.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;getout.sqs

_heli = _this select 0

_heli lockwp true

_heli land "GET IN"

@Getpos _heli select 2<1

_Crew = crew _heli - [driver _heli, gunner _heli]

_x = count _crew


unassignvehicle(_crew select _x);(_crew select _x)action["EJECT",_heli];_x = _x - 1


IF(_x < 0)THEN{_heli lockwp false;EXIT}ELSE{GOTO "LP"}

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Nice code, i am using similar one, but removing the driver and gunner differently: they are always first and second in the crew (_x=0 and _x=1) and I let them jump with parashutes - ie without landing (btw. why not "GET OUT" instead of yours "GET IN" parameter?).

Like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;getout.sqs

_heli = _this select 0

_heli lockwp true

_x = count crew _heli


unassignvehicle(_crew select _x);(_crew select _x) action["EJECT",_heli];_x = _x - 1


IF(_x < 2)THEN{_heli lockwp false;EXIT}ELSE{GOTO "LP"}

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Quote[/b] ](btw. why not "GET OUT" instead of yours "GET IN" parameter?).

Because I think "GET OUT" means when the chopper lands, he'll turn off his engine.

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