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model troubleshoot

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i have model smile_o.gif


geometry, textures, all that crap

but it want works... in bulldozer everything looks good

but in game is a cow --> MOOOOO


help sad_o.gif

now should be better

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ok it works now smile_o.gif . well in the config file i found a problem

in the config vehicles part. the closing brackets were wrong. so i changed it to be like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgVehicles // definicja pojazdów


class All {};

class AllVehicles: All {};

class Land: AllVehicles {};

class LandVehicle: Land {};

class Car: LandVehicle {};

class Jeep: Car {};

class wladimirec: Jeep


displayName="wladimirec"; // Nazwa która bÄ™dzie wyœwietlana w edytorze

model= \wladimirec\wladimirec; // œcieżka modelu p3d

side=3; // Strona - w tym przypadku po stronie cywili (0 dla ruskich, 1 dla amerykanow, 2 dla partyzantow)

crew="Civilian2"; // domyœlny kierowca (cywil 2)

maxSpeed=500; // Maksymalna prÄ™dkoœÄ‡ w kmh :)

transportSoldier=0; // Zmienna okreœlajÄ…ca czy pojazd moze mieć pasażerów oraz ilu, w tym przypadku zero oznacza brak pasażerów


}; <--- added a; here

}; <--- added a closing bracket here

im gona go test it ingame now

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o, whoops i mess understood youre question sad_o.gif , but i am getting the same bug you are getting it does look like a cow, mabye because it is 10000+ faces?

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o, whoops i mess understood youre question sad_o.gif  , but i am getting the same bug you  are getting it does look like a cow, mabye because it is 10000+ faces?

nope, i get 9700 and still the same :/

model as a model (without textures) look ok

but is as a ghost , so maby i fuckup some of the lod-s?

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Ok i had a look ( nice tractor btw ) , its the black texture thats causing the problem ... so open the texture library .. then hold Ctrl and double click on the "black" texture name , this should highlight all areas coloured black , now hold Alt and click in your working area on screen ... now press "E" to bring up the face properties and delete the texture name in the box, select apply and ok .

Close that box down and check your model in 3d , it should be untextured but the model should look as it is meant to.

You should look at some of the texturing tutorials available and also take a look at other addons to see how to reduce face counts but still remain visually appealing

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Ok i had a look ( nice tractor btw ) , its the black texture thats causing the problem ... so open the texture library .. then hold Ctrl and double click on the "black" texture name , this should highlight all areas coloured black , now hold Alt and click in your working area on screen ... now press "E" to bring up the face properties and delete the texture name in the box, select apply and ok .

Close that box down and check your model in 3d , it should be untextured but the model should look as it is meant to.

You should look at some of the texturing tutorials available and also take a look at other addons to see how to reduce face counts but still remain visually appealing

texture is no problem, but try to drive with that tractor.. you can drive thru trees and houses. sad_o.gif why?

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Ok i had a look ( nice tractor btw ) , its the black texture thats causing the problem ... so open the texture library .. then hold Ctrl and double click on the "black" texture name , this should highlight all areas coloured black , now hold Alt and click in your working area on screen ... now press "E" to bring up the face properties and delete the texture name in the box, select apply and ok .

Close that box down and check your model in 3d , it should be untextured but the model should look as it is meant to.

You should look at some of the texturing tutorials available and also take a look at other addons to see how to reduce face counts but still remain visually appealing

texture is no problem, but try to drive with that tractor.. you can drive thru trees and houses. sad_o.gif why?

Wrong geo LoD,imho

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Wrong geo LoD,imho

but you cannot walk thru model....

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