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Ofp Humour

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We were playing some coop, can't remember which mission. The objective was to secure a town and then fall back and defend a town. Anyway, it was my first time playing that mission and some who had played it before told me and 2 or 3 other guys who where in my group (I was leader) to watch the treeline while they took out the town. That way we could be the first line of defence before the other guys got to the town. It was pitch dark and we heard the shooting from the other guys. Then I watched into the treeline and saw some moving. I was typing in group chat "OPEN FIRE!!" and I blew away my claymores and started to burst away. My teammates of course followed orders and after 30 seconds everything was quiet. The smoke from the claymores was still in the air. Then somebody typed in teamchat "YOU IDIOT! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO COVER US NOT BLOW AWAY US YOU ASSHOLE!!!". Woops. biggrin_o.gif

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I gotta tell you this one time I was sitting in a server all alone until this cocky ass guy comes in and starts talking shit when we started the game.So we started playing the CTF I loaded up my G36 and I started towards his flag as he keeps talking shit and I see him running up on me when I was lying in a bush and *Tripple burst* the guy died and I grabbed his flag and took it back to my flag.I did this about 25 times and I killed him about 70 times and about the last 10 minutes of the game I heard gunfire and I was like *Shit he gots me* and then the guy disconnected and I was like *hmm sore loser?*

Then I disconnected the guy wasnt very nice and it backfired on him about 70 times.Not very funny but very odd as he kept calling me 'pig' and 'fuck shit cop'.

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I gotta tell you this one time I was sitting in a server all alone until this cocky ass guy comes in and starts talking shit when we started the game.So we started playing the CTF I loaded up my G36 and I started towards his flag as he keeps talking shit and I see him running up on me when I was lying in a bush and *Tripple burst* the guy died and I grabbed his flag and took it back to my flag.I did this about 25 times and I killed him about 70 times and about the last 10 minutes of the game I heard gunfire and I was like *Shit he gots me* and then the guy disconnected and I was like *hmm sore loser?*

Then I disconnected the guy wasnt very nice and it backfired on him about 70 times.Not very funny but very odd as he kept calling me 'pig' and 'fuck shit cop'.

Happends to everyone.

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Well in the start idid not have a computer which could play this game so I played at a freinds house so when we had used a month on trying to complete "after montinac" and I had finaly almost reach the extraction point I just had to go over a hil when suddenly two russians apear and starts shooting at me(they actualy hit once) this resulted in me yelling some not so nice words and emtying a mag killing bothe russians and completing the mission but now My freind is very kind to remind me, that plus that I once in resistance shot over a BMP on 3 meters distance sad_o.gif .

Another thing In "after montinac" another time I reached the "rescue" spot and the movie was roling when I suddenly got shot and saw a hole movie whit a living dead David Armstrong the worse part is that it acualy was the resistance forces which shot me whit a perfekt head shot.


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Quote[/b] ]me, that plus that I once in resistance shot over a BMP on 3 meters distance .

Another thing In "after montinac" another time I reached the "rescue" spot and the movie was roling when I suddenly got shot and saw a hole movie whit a living dead David Armstrong the worse part is that it acualy was the resistance forces which shot me whit a perfekt head shot.

haha ya I had that happen one time too, only thing was I think that it was a grenade that they through into the tent.

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When the Armor Pulls up right next to us and we have enough time to salute(Munk D) or WALK to cover



Im finding some classics here...

The Nut Cracker


Park Job


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