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ideas for sea addons

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Ciao to all, i was thinking was good if someone could make a sea platform, something that can support ships like refuel, repair them or make choppers land. in the 3 sides versions + more maybe a civilian sea platform. in a way like the lst ship for some ways but with full support functions and scripts for the working flames. maybe connected with some cargo ships that can go and come to take oil from the platform to oil refineries, lol but maybe i dreams too much, lol

Anyway for who knows to do i don't think the platform is too complicate to realize.

Other good would be a military ship (in the 3 side's versions) with not too many script functions but just that can move and that can carry in a lot of tanks, jeeps and units, but i don't know if are some limits of the OFP to do it, it is just a idea.

ciao ofp friends


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I suggest you search I know of a few _platforms_ being made.. For the Utopia project , Marpac, and part of serval accessory pacs in the works or already completed.

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