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a story for OFP2

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i would like you to consider my story for Operation Flashpoint 2.

i think this is a fresh background story for OFP2 as it doesnt involve WWII, Vietnam, or Russians. as the story for OFP was fictional, so is this (well kinda)

it is the year 2003. the Taliban and all its remains are only to be found in history books. the various states/countries in the middle east are reasonably calm and peaceful. Afghanistan has a Democratic government. after some uneasy years of protesting, the Americans have moved their forces out. some radical extremists who are inspired by the Taliban's ideas see this as the perfect oppurtunity to overthrow the young and vulnerable Independant Democratic Government of Afghanistan. the surronding countries form MERA (middle eastern revolution army) and mobilise its army. surrounded , the IDGA (afghanistan) have no one to turn to as the USA have agreed to not have anything to do with their matters. the IDGA have resorted to the UN. seeing this, Australia and the remaining members of the UN have flown forces to the distressed IDGA in a peacekeeping project.

the russians are now the extrememists (MERA), the americans are now the Australians (and other UN members) and the resistance is now the outnumbered Afghanii army (IDGA).

so what do you think?


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