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How to make a soldier in O2?

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When I often see in-delelopment photos, I often see a "template"/proxy (if you want to call it that) being used. For example:


Note the way the weapons on the back, the flag, the face, the nightvision goggles, etc. Are set up. Is there an "official" soldier model that is supposed to come with O2 or you can download? If not, how would I get a soldier proxy like this? (So I don't have to build it from ground up. I understand you could do this and make certain selections, but I'm too lazy to do this tounge_o.gif )

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Thanks, thats pretty cool. I've also found some sample models at OFPEC, however I was wondeirng if you could help me-whenever I open it up I get "Unable to load file. Load Error." I have also tried opening up some addon .p3d files, before, and I get the same error. How do I open the sample models up?

Also, on all models, including the BIS man, the weapon proxies are having trouble loading. I get an error messege, and they just don't appear.

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Make sure they are in MLOD format. I only ever get that error from ODOL models. Try downloading the demo units if you can find them. BI also released aload of its units in MLOD.

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How would I check to see what format they are in, or how to change it?

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I know if you open an MLOD in notepad it will say on one of the first lines "MLOD" plus a load of unintellegable stuff......so if you open it in Notepad and on the 1st line it doesnt say MLOD (i dunno if it will say ODOL, i havent opened one up in notepad for a long time), assume its an ODOL.

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Well, if O2 won't open them they're ODOL, if it will, they're MLOD. There are programs for converting them (though they don't work all that well), you can find them with the search function.

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Try the BAS infantry kit, it does need some basic O2 knowledge but you can make nice things with it wink_o.gif

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I use Odol Explorer to view p3d models. It has a format converter option which will change ODOL to MLOD for O2. Try searching through the utilities on your favorite OFP web sights

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I use Odol Explorer to view p3d models. It has a format converter option which will change ODOL to MLOD for O2. Try searching through the utilities on your favorite OFP web sights

ODOL explorer does not convert models correctly. Parts of the same model that have different textures, are converted as separate objects. This also screws up the selections, which are essential for animations.

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