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uscg pilot 12

TOW's new sub project

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tow has a new sub project and mad max has asked me to tell u all about it. the new project is a c-130 i no there are already many out there but this one is gonan have more improved textures way more scripts and model tweaks we have no idea on end date caz it hasent started yet. but the main reason im posting here is that we need a good texture artist scripters and modelers. any one who joins in working on the project will be working directly under TOW  wink_o.gif  if u have any more questions pllz just post here or get me on msn at terminatorx3@comcast.net   blues.gif

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Sounds great! I would love to see some cargo scripts with parachuting cargo, plus some cool paradrop scripts.

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Oh rock.gif , from the title i thought TOW had a SUBmarine new project, good luck with your new C130 then smile_o.gif .

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Might I also add whilst it's not an official ToW project, (well, it's not on our addons list) we'll be releasing this through our new brand so to speak, ToW: GI (Global Incidents). We'll fill you in on the details soon.

Also, we're looking for new members too most of the team will probably be offered full jobs at ToW working on our main projects.

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o lol srry the name is a lil off and yes ebns72 it will have cargo scirpts

and ejection scripts

soem tho we will noty announce till relese wink_o.gif

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