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Where oh' Where

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I have, "Inquistor's Weapon Pack." I want to use them in the

upcoming, "BEER RUN!" mission.

But if I can't find the site where they are downloadable. Then I won't be able to use them.

So does anyone have a working link to, "Inquistors Weapon Pack?"

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

"OFF the WALL Team"

unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif  unclesam.gif

PS. And I did not see them at Inquistor's webpage.

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Maybe you should give another look

You can get the .jpg or the .paa version of the Inquisitor Weapons Pack from his addons page , on his website

EDIT : it seems that Lee_H._Oswald beat me smile_o.gif

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What is the difference between the paa and jpg version?

what is more detailed ?

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I don't think anything is more detailes, the textures have only been changed to use .paa format instead of .jpg smile_o.gif

.jpg Textures in Flashpoint are known to cause lag when many objects with .jpg textures are on screen at once.

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I don't think anything is more detailes, the textures have only been changed to use .paa format instead of .jpg  smile_o.gif

.jpg Textures in Flashpoint are known to cause lag when many objects with .jpg textures are on screen at once.

well i never got lag with jpg textures

i'm using the pack with jpg textures, they look better at distance

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