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OFP Faces

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Ciao to everybody. Downloading a lot of addons i get a lot of faces. when i go to the user customize face i read a lot of names in the list, but when i try to use that names in the initialization fields with the setface command the face's names usualy don't match with those and i can use just some faces that in the time i discovered trying and trying. Is there a reference list of name of faces related to non bis Addons, or a rule i can follow to get ealsy the name of a face? I don't know if i'm particularry stupid in that or is a common issue, would be usefull maybe for people that know to add in this forum the usable names for the most common addons.

Can Anybody give me some advices?

ty a lot OFp friends


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I'll help you edi.

It's not this: this setface "01"

but this: this setface "face01"

I once made a list of faces, with Guba, Armstrong etc. on it, but I gave it to a friend. One face I know is Troska's one, "FaceR01". If you wanna find out, how to use Guba's face, just go to the Player options in the top left of your screen, and count till you have your guy.

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if I'm not mistaken you can't use Guba's and Angelina's face on other bodies

good addons/mods include a list of the faces available (like Colonial, FDF, etc.)

maybe this topic can serve as a repository, as it would indeed be useful to have them collected somewhere

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It is possible to use Guba's face on every unit. I dunno if you can use the face of a res woman on every unit. Anyone tried? It would be cool to have Angelina's body, with Guba's face and Guba's body with Angelina's face biggrin_o.gif

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Thank u a lot GI_Rutger and Redface to interrest about this issue.I think would be good if he knows name of faces included in the main not Bis Addons to put the names list always in readme file or better in this topic or is some others in order to deploy a good help for the comunity.

I remember for example that maybe in the Middle East troops was a good serie of arabian faces that in the customizeuser u read like Arab face 1 - Arab face 2 and so on and in the editor u can use just like "Arab1", "Arab2" and so on. I have a lot of faces but when i try to use i always see that the name is different from the displayed name.

and i remember that in SEB vietanam pack all the faces have the same name in the displayed customization and for the editor use, was great. and the best is dkpr that in the north Corean pack fixed the corean faces directly on the units, lol

ciao and sorry for my confused english


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bit offtopic but i have two questions:

1) what are the names of BIS's females' faces?

2) what is the name of female's radio voice? (it seems for me that there's only one wink_o.gif )

i need this info for CfgIdentities class.

Thanks in advance.

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bit offtopic but i have two questions:

1) what are the names of BIS's females' faces?

2) what is the name of female's radio voice? (it seems for me that there's only one wink_o.gif )

i need this info for CfgIdentities class.

Thanks in advance.

1) You can check it by yourself, by this way:

In the OFP standard menu, click on the Player icon in the top left of the screen. Make or use a personal, and edit it. You can edit, voices, glasses etc. Also faces. Select, faces scroll down till you reached Troska's face. Troska's face is "Face R01". Scroll down and count each face (FaceR02, FaceR03 etc.) till you reached the first female face, FaceR04 I think.

There are six woman faces, R04-R10.

Tested it in the editor, but the female faces didn't worked sad_o.gif

But the male faces do work.

2) I don'think there is one. I never heard a female voice (not the voices BIS recorded for dialogs in cutscenes) in OFP.

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