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Tasty school dish!

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Quote[/b] ]School feeds students wine, marijuana

From correspondents in New Dehli

July 28, 2004

A STATE-run primary school in the central Indian state of Chhattisgarh resorted to stirring spirits and marijuana into the school lunch to keep meals tasty, a report said.

The cook in the primary school in Chhattisgarh's Mahasamund district was caught out after parents complained last week to government officials, the Press Trust of India news agency said.

A magisterial inquiry confirmed the parents' misgivings.

"It was found that liquor was added to (the water) to prepare rice and 'bhang' to dal (a spicy lentil dish) to make it tasty," said Manish Kumar Tyagi, the district collector of Mahasamund.

Bhang is derived from the male marijuana plant.

The district administrator added that bhang was confiscated from the school kitchen.

No arrests have been made as investigations are continuing.


Perfect for after lunch philosophy classes! tounge_o.gif

Revives some good memories of school! wink_o.gif

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