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Ag3nt 0range

About Sigma-6 US Tanks

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Hi people Im new to the forums and Im pretty sure this is the right place to put this so...

Well ok I downloaded Sigma's US Tanks and of course they are awsome, but theres one thing that really bugs me. Whenever I shoot the big cannon from the tank like say at the floor nothing happens..?? I would expect there to be a explosion or something like the BIS tanks but nothing. Is it just me or do others have this problem too? If so can it be fixed?

Thanks for you're time! unclesam.gif

p.s. I guess you could say this is sort of a request.

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You're firing sabot rounds (Armor-piercing uranium darts) by default, they won't explode, just cause a little bit of dirt to kick up. There are no explosives in a sabot round.

If you're the commander, load HEAT rounds for explosions. HEAT rounds are better used against vehicles and infantry other than tanks.

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there is another bug in the last sigma US tank pack

if you play cti (with modern units like the US tanks included) and sit in the tank and it is destroyed sometimes you die TWICE (at least you are mentioned twice on the left side of your screen)

In other games this is not too bad but in CTI you spawn as a standard US soldier with an M16 (without ammo) and all menus are gone

The game is over for those people and for the others too.

Hopefully there is a bugfix for this anoying bug very soon

I think it has something to do with the burning scripts.

But I don't know if there is a possibilty to turn them off.

If there is, please tell me as soon as possibile

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