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Is there a way to make the paratroopers fall to ground quicker, instead of how they graceously float towards terra firma.

Plus, I want to make my plane stay static in the same position about 200 height units above the ground, how would i go about that?!



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You could try setvelocity'ing them, but im not sure if that'd work.

A workaround is to create the chute somewhere else, get the guys to freefall for a bit, then move them into the chute at the critical moment.

setting an object to a static position looks kinda crappy, but can be done with a looping setpos.

Or, you can create a fake one there with the drop command and this wont be trying to fall all the time, and frees up cpu time.


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Quote[/b] ]Is there a way to make the paratroopers fall to ground quicker, instead of how they graceously float towards terra firma.

You could use a HALO script available here. Look for "Realistic HALO Script" by toadlife or get ECP. You can then set the opening height of your parachute in the script so they freefall to a lower height prior to opening their chutes.


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