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DUNE Conversion Engine :   Skinners wanted

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It's all logic at the present time. The original request was for help with the pretty stuff (skinners and model makers).  But I enjoyed the concept so much of real time building that I can put up with the 1985 models and uniforms. The mission with this Demo makes you the hunted and puts loads of stress on building up your defenses before being concurred. The guy really has a great MOD idea going for him.

Things to know and learn about Demo:

1. Never build on spice (collector will stall trying to get to it)

2. You have to build curtain structures to advance build.

3. You have to be near a building to build the product of that particular building.

4. Watch your menu selection and read sub-menu names before building (can ZERO your cash)

5. There is only so much spice to go around.  (Can envision island mod where spice is peppering the island and you have to prospect from the air)

6. Never give an amateur the keys to your program. (they’ll steal your thunder)

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This deserves more attention,,  new era for OFP.

The file I have is just a zipped PBO 15kb that you dump into your MP mission folder.. Nothing more….its just like any other mission…………………… not really an add-on.

Quite unbelievable really!!!!!!

Bucko out

(I didn’t have any thing to do with the development of this, Goetterfuke is the genius here)

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I fell stupid asking this but how do build things and stuff? I just see a bunch of mounds of dirt and I see the Goetterfuke button thing but it doesnt do anything.

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k, people

nice that you like it !

we are working hard on the improvements of this MOD

the cash=0 error will befixed as well as the menusystem, the autosave and the enemy K.I.

i'm just rewriting the whole engine, as it ran into an impass and is no longer usable for extensions and smooth playing

the homepage is in work, as well as new skins etc...

it won't be a sci-fiction mod, it will play on the earth as it looks in 50 years

massive deseases and environmental collapse caused a war about the last ressources, which is fought between the last supernations

many new and extended features will be available in the release version, which will probalby come out in March/April

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Is there a way I could play like a coop on a LAN? I know nothing about scripting so if it involves that im out of luck.

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Ok the files Goetterfunke has for you to down load, have to be stuffpbo.exe,,,,, but mine is a pbo

Hey that’s the 15kb file I’m talking about; you know it’s only a beta but balls of fire fun.

Ya just unzip and drop in mpmissions no add-on necessary

Hehe hope I right about this sounds to simple hey

Been playing all day online.. Still touchy with menus bouncing around until your use to the flow..

Maybe he'll post the single file, I feel funny giving it out.

Bucko out

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how do i play this? Ive got 1.40 and your interface but i dont know how to play. Do i havce to lay online or what?

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If you have DL the first file remove that mission.sqm and replace with the second file which is only a mission.sqm.

You’re doing this because of the winter MOD that he used when he did the mission. (rite)

Then use STUFF.exe and make a pbo file that you drop in to the (single player) MISSION folder of the game. (CO-OP SHORTLY)

You don't need the "Interface" file that is just a devolvement tool for programmers

I think GOETTER (This is funny if you know what goetter means) will be posting this combined file soon. I hope.

Bucko out

I’m just his helper.

New name of mod is "“PLANET of WAR “" PoW

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Hey are you going to just retexture the units or are some buildings going to get retextured too. Ive only seen that done in the Jungle everon addon. I think it might look cool if you had a bunch if those scorched looking dead trees on a desert island. Can you make it so the spices are worth more or so that there is more spices? I would help you with some buildings if i knew how to in ofp, I dont know what they should look like either but I probably could.

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The "Nill Cash" bug buggs me alot, I had 3407 spice and was about to build a tech center, THAMP, no cash. All I did was switch menus sad.gif . I love the Demo, pisses me off sometimes, like, not enough spice (or the spice doesn't replenish itself quick enough) Otherwise it is very fun.

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k, we have a TEMPORARY homepage

which is not finished yet


estimated release: march 2002

cause we need NO!! SDK (model tools etc..)

the main part is the strategy + build engine

and some reskinned units

it's so much fun in multi , i can tell you !!!

the actual version is much improved

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