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Non-weapon inventory items?

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Right, well, I searched around and couldn't find any threads of substance on this, so here goes. I'll only be talking about multiplayer, since it's all I care about for this.

For a couple of missions I'm making I need some kind of thing you pick up and escape with as an objective. In order to not interfere with the players' killing things by any means, I wanted them to just be like grenades or something that sits in the inventory but doesn't take up any important weapon slots. One mission also has two of the things, so using a weapon slot wouldn't work out.

I went with a grenade arrangement: a "throw"-like (weapontype=0, invisible, noninteractable) Base weapon class with Item weapon classes in its magazines array. The Item classes are just dummy weapons. No ammo or anything. They just sit like grenades in the inventory and you can select and drop them, but not fire them. I give the Base weapon to the players along with their other equipment for the mission in a script called from init.sqs. In theory, this would then let the players pick up the Items from the truck.

However, I discovered that they can't unless I give Base to them AFTER init time, meaning putting a delay before the addweapon line in the script. That works except that they still can't pick up the things from dead players, which means the mission's over if the guy carrying the thing dies.

I then discovered that if the person had more than one, you can take total-minus-one of them from their body. I couldn't find a way to exploit this information that did anything (like adding and removing several of them to each player with varying delays before the mission starts), so I'm at a dead end with this method.

I'll probably end up using the binoc slot for the mission that only has one Item, and the NV and binoc slots for the one with two Items (it's a day mission, and binocs aren't a big deal on either one). Either that or I'll use high slots like 16384 and 32768, but then you won't be able to see the nice inv pictures I made.

So I'm just wondering if anyone's messed around with custom grenade/satchel type things or this concept in general and knows anything more.

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I have a script that will perform what you need to do. In this script you can "pick up" any object through an action menu it will disappear. Later after some time your menu will read "put down" object and it will reappear in front of you wherever you are. Hit me off with your email and ill send it to you.

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