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different weapons

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hmm i have been trying hard to get say a law soldier to have a LAW and a G36 but the G36 doesnt have any ammo even when i give the script.??

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Try putting this in your soldiers init field:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">removeallweapons this;

this addweapon "g36a";

this addmagazine "g36aMag";

this addmagazine "g36aMag";

this addmagazine "g36aMag";

this addmagazine "g36aMag";

this addweapon "lawlauncher";

this addmagazine "lawlauncher";

this addmagazine "lawlauncher";

this addmagazine "lawlauncher";

this addweapon "binocular";

this addweapon "nvgoggles";

this addweapon "Beretta";

this addmagazine "Berettamag";

this addmagazine "Berettamag";

this addmagazine "Berettamag";

this addmagazine "Berettamag";

Also if need be change "this" to the name of your solider if this code will be used in a script.

Aook smile_o.gif

Edit: Typos

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Perhaps you put too many rockets to the soldier. Note that soldiers have capacity of 10 units of ammo. Gun magazines use 1 unit each and default LAW rockets use 2 units each. That means you can have for example 3 rockets and 4 clips for the gun, or 4 rockets and 2 clips. smile_o.gif

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