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Translation Czech-english for "drop-picture"

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I downloaded a "drop picture" tool recently but the pity is that the readme is in czech only. As the thing looks rather complicated it would be nice if a czech-speaking person could have a look at the readme and do a translation.

Here is the original readme:

Quote[/b] ]Tenhle programek vytvori z obrazku script, ktery ve hre pomoci drop vygeneruje

obraz. Obrazek musi byt ve formatu *.BPM a musi byt ulozen ve 24-ti bitech!

Rozliseni by nemelo byt vetsi nez asi 200x100 bodu, jinak z toho OFP zesili.

Transparentni obrazek:

Lze toho vyuzit treba pro text, kdy s ma zobrazit jen text a ne jeho pozadi.

Snizi se tak pocet pixelu a obr. muze mit i vetsi rozliseni.

V souboru cfg.ini se musi nastavit Enabled na 1 a nastavit barvu (R, G, B),

ktera nebude zobrazena. V ukazkovem souboru Text.bmp je to ciste modra.

Transparentnost se vypna nastavenim Enabled na 0.

V souboru head.ini je ulozena hlavicka souboru, ve ktere jsou nastaveny

parametry prikazu drop a jejich vyznam je tam popsan. Mnou vytvoreny head.ini

je vytvoren tak, aby se obraz zobrazil v zadane vzdalenosti od hrace, ale lze

ho umistit i na pevno a zadat rucne uhel natoceni.

Program se pouziva: FlashPoint.exe neco.bmp

a do stejneho adresare se pak vytvori script neco.sqs, ktery se kopiruje do

valstni mise a vyvola pomoci prikazu [] exec "neco.sqs".

Ukazky jsou v ukazkove misi.

Zbytecne otazky na email S.maslan@seznam.cz

Thx smile_o.gif

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Send PM to Suma, Maruk, medvidek or SCREAM, I think they speak Czech.

EDIT: Or anybody that is from the OF Forum Team (not placebo I think) or Developer team

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I am tempted to think that they have better things to do than translating this. I know there are several Czech people among the editors so that´swhy I was asking wink_o.gif

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Short version:


This program make from picture a script..blablabla...pic must be in BMP format 24 bytes, and max size= 200*100

Transparency pic:

blabla...good for texts,good if you wanna see only text and not backronud of pics(btw:something like alpha channels-Status)...blablabla...In file cfg.ini set Enabled on 1 and set color (R, G, B) wich will be invisible in sample file Text.bmp its clear blue one..blabla..transparency you can set on 0-disabled

Blabla...You can set some parameters in head.ini file


Using of prog:

FlashPoint.exe filename.bmp   and into the same folder then prog copy script filename.sqs...you can run that script by [] exec "filename.sqs".blabla..

For lames visist Sample mission tounge_o.gif

Lame questions on S.maslan@seznam.cz (But I think he don´t speak english

Uff... smile_o.gif

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