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How can you edit official SP missions?

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How do you edit official OFP missions? eg. on battlefield, I'd like to edit the SP mission to change my weapon to say an M21 sniper rifle or other. Is this possible?

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You get a tool like unpbo 1.5 (eg from ofpec) and unpack the mission to your users\yournick\missions folder. If there isn't one then create it. Then either open the mission.sqm with a text editor or open it in the ingame mission editor. Change what you like, export the mission as pbo again and play away.

A forum search would have told you the same much faster....

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thanks for that. Forum searches usually drag up much more than needed and I just needed a straight answer - which you've graciously provided. Thanks mate.

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This belongs in ME&C.

searching for "edit AND official AND missions" found a couple of very clear threads, so there really was no excuse when the keywords were known as they're in your own title wink_o.gif So when I move it over there I'll close it as you have an answer anyway smile_o.gif

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