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Debris from damaged units(planes, choppers, tanks)

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I know that when ground vehicles are hit with AT weapons, small wreckage parts fly off, but this is still a neat effect. And it's great for planes and helicopters. Try shooting up a BMP with... say, the 30mm cannon on the Apache helicopter, looks great in my opinion.

It uses three different shapes, 2 colors (normal, and burned), sometimes metal pieces will fly off of the vehicle, sometimes they won't.

Note - As this is mostly an effect for weapons like the 30mm cannon, this effect doesn't work for some units, as some units doesn't detect it as a "hit"

How to use the script - this addEventHandler ["hit",{this exec "debris.sqs"}]

Please tell me what you think -

Quote[/b] ]

_Mex = random 2

_Mex = _Mex - (_Mex mod 1)

? _Mex == 1:exit

_weight = 0.7

? "Ch47D" counttype [this] == 1 || "Mi17" counttype [this] == 1|| "MI24" counttype [this] == 1|| "Kamov" counttype [this] == 1|| "SU25" counttype [this] == 1|| "Cobra" counttype [this] == 1|| "A10" counttype [this] == 1|| "A10LGB" counttype [this] == 1|| "AH64" counttype [this] == 1|| "UH60" counttype [this] == 1|| "UH60MG" counttype [this] == 1: _weight = 1.2

;// Get the obj pos and break it out int XYZ coordinates

_objPos = getpos _this

_objPosX = _objPos select 0

_objPosY = _objPos select 1

_objPosZ = _objPos select 2

_Num = random 2

_Num = _Num - (_Num mod 1)

? _Num == 0: _color = [[1,1,1,1]]

? _Num == 1: _color = [[0.4,0.4,0.4,1]]

_NumRS = random 3

_NumRS = _NumRS - (_NumRS mod 1)

? _NumRS == 0: _shape = "kusplechu"

? _NumRS == 1: _shape = "kusplechu2"

? _NumRS == 2: _shape = "kusplechu3"

drop [_shape,"","SpaceObject",0.01,4,[(_objPosX + random 1 - random 1), (_objPosY + random 1 - random 1),_objPosZ],[(velocity this select 0) / 3 + (random 10 - random 10),(velocity this select 1) / 3 + (random 10 - random 10),(velocity this select 2) / 3 + (10 + random 5)],0,_weight,0.01,0,[1.15],_color,[1],0,0,"","",""]

_Num = random 2

_Num = _Num - (_Num mod 1)

? _Num == 0: _color = [[1,1,1,1]]

? _Num == 1: _color = [[0.4,0.4,0.4,1]]

_NumRS = random 3

_NumRS = _NumRS - (_NumRS mod 1)

? _NumRS == 0: _shape = "kusplechu"

? _NumRS == 1: _shape = "kusplechu2"

? _NumRS == 2: _shape = "kusplechu3"

drop [_shape,"","SpaceObject",0.01,5,[(_objPosX + random 1 - random 1), (_objPosY + random 1 - random 1),_objPosZ],[(velocity this select 0) / 3 + (random 10 - random 10),(velocity this select 1) / 3 + (random 10 - random 10),(velocity this select 2) / 3 + (10 + random 5)],0,_weight,0.01,0,[1.15],_color,[1],0,0,"","",""]



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