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quiters are bad for mp

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Please people dont quit a game just cause you get killed one time and it makes you cry:) Also don't quit just because you got stuck on east and now the m1 is ripping open your t-72 like a hot knife threw butter. When you join a game play till the end like a real man. The only reason to quit is if the lag is real bad. Dont just quit because you are lossing. Every time im in a game it gets all messed up because half the people just leave for no good reason. Bottom line: when you take up a spot in a game, stay till the f**king end. Thank you for your time.

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Pisses me off when your in the lobby waiting peacefully and you get other guys poping in a telling them to restart, and calling them A$$holes because they wont. And same guys disconnect and reconnect continually then when they do restart and they have to #vote a map The same guys dont know what to do and disconnect while evry1 else is voting and then reconnect messing up your vote. This makes starting a new game a drawn out procces, I agree with the guys above, if you want a good game just stay in the lobby and wait quietly like every1 else does. And ask nicely if you dont know what to or how to #vote missions. And play till the end.

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Quiters may be losers, but when it comes to Flashpoint most quiters are literally crashers...

Many, many, MANY times OFP has krasched, jumped out to desktop, freezed, timed out, anything. I doubt Im alone. So the average quiter aint really that bad in person, whats really bad is the people who cant see the difference from a russian and american from 2m distance... And spawncampers wreaking the entire round.

Btw, I think all real quiters come from CS, theres the problem... CS gamestyle has ruined their feble minds... In, out, kill fast, die, quit.

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Welcome to the world of online gameing. Quiters, cheaters, hackers, and general all around assholes. The only way to avoid them is to play the AI. Their are a lot of good people who play also so we just got to take the good with the bad.

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I've found that since creating a Dedicated Server that the best thing is to monitor it. I'm not saying that those of you who have one, aren't monitoring it. If you set one up make sure 'You and your admins' monitor the game so you can boot those annoying little immature peeps that can't wait for a map change or missions finish.

I know this has been said before but maybe it should be said again.


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