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4 alpha channels

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Hi all, i have a problem with a "cristal box". No matter how i map the textures i always get this error in one of the four faces.

As you can see (or not rock.gif ), the inside is not visible thru the glass.

Any clue?



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To avoid this keep all files that don't have an alpha channel in *.pac format.

All *.paa files will hide behind other *.paa files with alpha channels, you can try to avoid this by the O2 commands "Move to previous alpha" and "Move to next alpha", but in my opinion the easiest way is to keep all files without alpha channel in PAC format.

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Every model using several alpha-texture polygons has this "bug", it's just about the order in which these polygons are rendered. If you have more than one glass surface and can look through one window into another you'll have to move the faces in proper rendering order. As hardrock said, just try adjusting the rendering order for those face until it looks better.

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Thanx for the replys guys.

I tried the pac textures and the order of the faces, but i always get one face wrong.

Is there any way to place 2 or more alphas in the same "lavel"?

We have an example on the 5ton truck made by BIS. That's exactly what i want to do.

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Try this little trick: Select ONLY the outer faces of the cell with Ctrl+W, press Ctrl+C to copy, then delete them with D

Now press Ctrl+V to insert the faces again, select the faces together with the cell and select "Points"->"Merge near" with a quite small number like 0.001

Now the problem should be solved.


A bit tricky, but I'll try to make it understandable: "new" faces will hide behind "old" faces, so logically "old" faces are visible behind "new" faces (I'm speaking of faces with alpha channels). Since you delete the outer faces of the phone cell and reinsert them again, the "old" faces inside will be visible (at least should).

Good luck wink_o.gif

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