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SSG Plazmoid

What are some actions

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There's a great list of actions on OFPEC which sadly seems to be down atm.


anyhow, I'm not sure whether or not the action I'm looking for is mentioned there.

Does anyone know the syntax to force a unit to find cover (like giving the radio command to a unit).

_unit action ["Find Cover"] maybe? not sure :/

Some suggestions for other tricky actions (or a link to a thread on this forum to some) would be appreciated.



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The only actions that you can use with the 'action' command are the same as the actions that appear in your action menu during the game. So with that command you can only use actions like "take weapon", "auto hover", "light on", "use nvgs" etc. You won't find any of those radio commands like 'take cover', 'advance', etc. There is no way to use those commands via scripts (but I don't even use them during play anyway :P )

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