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Ofp in lan

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Okay we are thinking about playing ofp CWC in LAN. This is a picture of how i looks like. It really isn't correct but it gives you a brief picture what im talking about.

Now how much bandwith would we (maybe 10 players in the "room" marked in red) use of the whole capacity? Exact numbers are obviously hard to tell. But i would like to know how much data ofp sends back and forth. And will this data have to travel through the servers or could it go directly?

Just to clarify: How much bandwith does ofp (cwc) require compared to other applications (such as surfing chatting and downloading)


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I'm not technically adept or knowledgable in this area however I do know that if you're talking about bandwidth over a network that is solely dedicated to one purpose... (ie not serving as a gateway for other people to access the internet or any other bandwidth robbing crap). You should do just fine with 10 people and a 10 base-t hub. If you're trying to set up a network so that people can do multiple things such as access the internet and do a bunch of other junk. I can't really say but I don't think it would be helping at all.

In fact come to think of it one time my uncle tried to set it up so that we could all use the internet while on the hub and someone was downloading a file and it was "Omgwtf this gay, lag spike here lag spike there." and it was just a lan game. So we just decided to forget that idea and the people who wanted to use the internet used the router and we had our own self-contained dedicated ofp network.

Ideally I'd go with a 100 but a 10 should do you fine. I know I don't have any lag problems at all with five people on a 10 base-t hub when I play.

Crossover is even better. Only two people can play but there's no lag. Unless your computer is a piece of crap.

It looks like from the diagram that you're trying to do this from (work/school?). Your results from that may vary. I do know that if you're on a hub not sharing bandwidth with anyone else who isn't OFP'ing. You should be ok.

15 might be pushing it with a 10-baseT hub though. Not sure.

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Okay we are thinking about playing ofp CWC in LAN. This is a picture of how i looks like. It really isn't correct but it gives you a brief picture what im talking about.

Now how much bandwith would we (maybe 10 players in the "room" marked in red) use of the whole capacity? Exact numbers are obviously hard to tell. But i would like to know how much data ofp sends back and forth. And will this data have to travel through the servers or could it go directly?

Just to clarify: How much bandwith does ofp (cwc) require compared to other applications (such as surfing chatting and downloading)

First of all, a very rough rule of thumb is 100 to 200 kb/s maximum per player. It depends on the type of mission you play (a DM style map with lots of bullets flying, or a map with lots of boats in the water use a lot more bandwidth than a CTF where you're on foot, meeting an enemy every two minutes).

So if you play with 10 people, you most probably won't use more than 2 Mb/s. If it's a 100 Mb/s LAN you're on, it's hardly noticeable for the others.

It depends on the network topology (the way it is layed out) whether data stays inside the room or travels along the Big Server as well. If you have a switch inside the room to which the computers are connected, and your OFP server is in the room (connected to the switch) as well, the packets won't even leave the room, since switches only send packets out on ports for which the data is meant. So the Big Server won't even notice that you're playing a LAN game wink_o.gif


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Yeah, thanks hitman! that was exactly what i was wondering!! (thanks Baphomet for replying too)


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