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Lod overlapping

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A good picture tells more than a hundred words:


The position light is masked by the model, which is behind it (I even exagerated the distance of the light and the surface to be sure).

I had this problem once, on my first mod, but without understanding what changed, it worked from a version to another. And now, months later, I notice the very same problem on a new model. But this time... it just don't wanna disappear.

I checked the canOcclude on FireGeo, Geo, HitPoints, etc... but it seems to come from elsewhere. The chopper texture is a PAC without any alpha... I just don't get what's wrong.

Thanx for any tip.

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Its a game engine issue unfortunately...

It happens with all the BIS helicopters, and almost all 3rd party helicopters too.

The only way to "solve" it is to move the memory point away from the model. Its a 50/50 between the light being visable, and it not looking too crap...

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Yeah, noticed it... but what makes me mad is I had this problem once and I don't understand what changed between the two versions of my (now working) first chopper. rock.gif

The fact the problem disappeared means there CAN be a solution. crazy_o.gif


Well, found something weird there.

It's not relative to visual LOD properties.

I did a test with the chopper that "suddenly" worked and here's what I've got:

I just moved the camera back slowly (tactical view) without changing of LOD (I only have one LOD with the antenna on the tail). And at some distance, before the LOD change, the lights suddenly worked as they always should have!!!


Could it be linked to a bad default value of the BIAS of the textures on the model faces?

Edit2: depending on the model, the distance -the lighting works correctly- changes (while keeping in the very same LOD). Regardless how far the distance for the second LOD is.

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Your own unique LOD/visual quality settings of course come into it as well. Also maybe it's using some weird "shape=koulesvetlo" thing which is mucking around with LODs?

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No light was redefined, I simply use the genuine pozicnis and I checked that no "shape=koulesvetlo" has been added anywhere. Have you something in mind? A suggestion or a clue? rock.gif

About the BIAS parameter on faces, what's its use? Can it be linked to a shifted Zbuffering that could cause this weird "missorting"? I left it to the default value but, what is it suppose to change if turning it low or high?

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