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Weird problem (bug?)

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I have been having a problem with a script I am writing. It seems that whenever I use addWeapon after initialization the gun is useless.

An example mission:

Start a new mission and add a single player to it. Then add a trigger that is activated be radio Alpha and in its on activation field put <removeAllWeapons player; player addWeapon "M16"; player addMagazine "M16";> without the < and >.

For me when I run this mission and activate the trigger I get an M16 in my hands but the gun doesn't work. By that I mean the little thing up in the top left corner of the screen that shows ammo is not there, the weapon will not reload, I can't use the sights and the only action I can do with the weapon is put it on my back (no Drop M16). I'm sure I used to be able to do this but now I can't.

If I put those same commands in the init.sqs file it works fine.

I have flashpoint: goty version 1.91, but I have also tried beta 1.96.

Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong?

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I just tried that but it still does not work. I must have broken something. I can't even use the sights on the gun.

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Ah yeah, try swapping through your weapons by pressing

the spacebar, or look for the selectWeapon command

in the comref.

Problem in your case is: the weapon is not selected properly

by adding it after initialisation.

:edit - wait, here's the command:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">unit selectWeapon weapon

Operand types:

unit: Object

weapon: String


Version 1.27 required.

Type of returned value:



Select given weapon. For weapon values see CfgWeapons.


soldierOne selectWeapon "LAWLauncher"

~S~ CD

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