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Cannot install ofp:r - bin/ijl15.dll ?

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I'm diving back into OFP after a prolonged absence, and want to try some of the fan-created mods.

I tried loading Battle for Hokkaido, but it needed v1.91. So I tried patching my 1.85 to 1.91, but it froze during the patching process everytime.

So I figured I'd uninstall and start from scratch, patch up to 1.91, then add the User Mods.

Unfortunately, now I can't even install OFP:R from a clean start - it gives me the following error everytime at the very end of the installation process

"Error installing OFP/bin/ijl15.dll" - then it exits the installation without finishing.

What can I do? I have no idea where to start to fix this problem and begin playing OFP again.



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Did you try searching the forums for "ijl15.dll"? There are a number of threads.

Also search Avon's FAQ.

Edit: Shows what happens when you start replying then get distracted by a COD video wink_o.gif

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Thanks for the quick replies, but unfortunately, it looks like I may be stuck.

The only advice I see after reading all the forums and FAQ is to install OFP first, upgrade to v1.46, then install OFPR. However, I sold my OFP and kept OFPR, thinking it was a standalone version I could use to continue playing.

Do I need to go out and buy an old copy of OFP (original) again? Grrrr...

(As for the advice in the FAQ and other threads to just copy the ijl.dll file manually, remember that the OFPR installer fails during installation due to this file. It aborts the installation and there's no OFP/Res/etc folder to access.)

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You must either by an old copy of CWC or splurge a little and get the complete OFP Game Of The Year (GOTY) edition.

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