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Turret help

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rock.gif  rock.gif  rock.gif

Seriously though what exactly is wrong with it, whats it on, what do you want it to do?

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In O2 you need to add the part you want to traverse (left/right) to the "OtocVez" named selection, and the part you want to elevate (up/down) to the "OtocHlavne" named selection.

If you cant do that, I suggest you go to the Oxygen board on this forum, and download some tutorials smile_o.gif

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Major Gripe best reply i've seen for ages biggrin_o.gif purfect

yep search for tutorials and inperticular goto bressels tutorials dont have the link right now sorry

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It's brsseb Trenchy biggrin_o.gif

Anyway, heres THE LINK.

http://ofp.info/brsseb if you want to know the URL...

If you are talking about in game, make sure that you are the gunner because if you are driver or commander, you cannot move the turret manually. You can be both commander and gunner, just select "Move to Gunner" or something like that in the menu (hit enter and select and press enter again). You can be commander and tell your gunner to target things too. If you are gunner and you still can't move the turret, make sure that your team is not "Turned Out". If the driver is (if the commander is turned out, the driver turns out too most of the time), then the turret usually locks in place. Hope this helps smile_o.gif

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If you are gunner and you still can't move the turret, make sure that your team is not "Turned Out". If the driver is (if the commander is turned out, the driver turns out too most of the time), then the turret usually locks in place. Hope this helps smile_o.gif

Human gunners can over-ride this feature wink_o.gif

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nah its a more complex problem than u guys think

If you don't tell us exactly what the problem is, then we can't help...

You need to expalin how you've got the model set up, how you've got the cpp coded etc.

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