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Mission questions

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Hi , I have some questions:

How do I import my own jpegs into the game? (for use as effects resource)

How do I make a unit specifically NOT target another unit, but since he'll be targeting something anyways, target anything but that unit?

How do I make a trigger camera track a given unit? Like lets say the chopper flies over activating the trigger, but the camera is watching the soldier on the ground.

How do I make a BAS chopper fire a specific weapon at a specific target?

How do I make a BAS chopper hold his position while he targets and shoots a specified unit?

(i.e. scoot up from behind hill, target, fire missile, then sink back down and fly away the other direction.When I try it he usually goes off and flies right over the target area which isnt too smart.)

I saw in the DKM tunguska that their radars work together - is there any way to do this with say 5 apaches and a radar kiowa?

How can I crack open other peoples missinos to look at and uderstand the code and the waypoints and stuff - both in the editor and in notepad?

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How do I import my own jpegs into the game? (for use as effects resource)

1. You can import them simply by putting the .jpeg you want in your mission folder. Flags support 256x256, not sure how many colors.

How do I make a unit specifically NOT target another unit, but since he'll be targeting something anyways, target anything but that unit?

2. Make them opposite sides? Resistance set to friendly?

3 & 4. Cutscenes are very hard to master. UnPBO some missions and play around.

5. I have absolutely no idea. By the way, BAS choppers make good targets for RPG fire. crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

6. Get two tools call UnPBO and RePBO. I don't have a link on me but use the search function would be great insight into doing all these things.

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you can download the DePBO from our site. Link in sig.

You may also want to have a look at our cookbook. It should answer some of your questions.

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Quote[/b] ]How do I make a unit specifically NOT target another unit, but since he'll be targeting something anyways, target anything but that unit?

If you set put "this setcaptive true" to make enemies ignore that target. If it is that want you want

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well the targeting another unit bit was supposed to work liek: Three blackhawks are racing towards the LZ (two DAP and 1 troop carrier), skimming through a valley dotted with little guard towers containing enemy antiaircraft missile soldiers. I want the AA soldiers to hit whatever they wanna, but only hit the troop chcopper max 1 time, the rest of the choppers can be hit till they fall from the sky, ensuring that the troop chopper always makes it to the LZ.

So thats why I was playing around with "doNOTtarget" idea.

Thanks for the feedback!

Can I even set a chopper to captive?

The question with the jpgs was supposed to be like, for a cutscene - I want to put in something like credit titles at the beginnning. Like in my  own font and transparent background. Like when it says "Bohemia Interactive Presents" at the beginning of the campaign. Would I have to script it like a musiccfg class? Or is it just a question of throwing the jpg into the mission folder and assigning it up to a camera trigger in the editor.

Hey thanks Battlesmurf for the cookbook link - really good !

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