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Dedicated server hosting and router issues

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I know there have been LOTS of discussions about hosting behind a router and I've read them all... No avail to my problem though.

Here is my setup: 2 computers behind a NAT router, one runs dedy 1.91 and I play OFP on the other machine. I can only find my server in the ingame browser on a LAN. My server doesn't show up when I set the address to INTERNET. Oddly enough, some players can find my server, because they connect, join, load missions, etc. I've attempted to establish contact with these players but unfortunately was unable to extract intelligent responses from them.

The server is configured correctly; I can see my server in the ingame INTERNET and LAN windows if I connect my server to my modem directly, bypassing the router. Incoming packets to ports 2302 and 2303 are forwarded to my server's private IP. I'm assuming these port settings on my router are half-assed because the reporting packets to gamespy are being bounced. I have also tried opening the ports(27900, 28900, 29900 and the whole lot) listed on Gamespy's support page indicating the ports it uses. No go.

Also looked at the issue that Mr Frag(?) mentioned regarding network bridges that Windows sets up behind your back. My server runs 2000 and I dont think bridging is supported. Either way, Ive looked around and found nothing of the likes.

Please somebody shed some light on my problem.

Finally, is there a some way to make the dedy server keep a logfile?

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This is a troubleshooting matter I believe smile_o.gif

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The ports threw the router can be open to one computer at a time. So you have to assign the ports in your router to your dedicated Server, you wont be able to host games off the one you play. Once you open the ports for you dedicated you will have to reboot both computers for the router change to take affect. This will show the Dedicated on the internet server list

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